Pre-Fertilisation Existence : Pure-Realm of True-Light
Pre-Birth Location : Paris, France (Zygote/Fetus/Embryo-Stages)
Birth-Location : Singapore
Past-Abodes or Visits :
- Singapore (Pongol, Favour-Drive, Toa-Payoh)
- America (Seattle, Washington)
- America (Edmonds, Washington)
- Canada (Crofton, British-Columbia)
- America (Ferndale, Washington
- America (Tabor/Yankton, South Dakota)
- America (Little-Fork, Minnesota)
- America (International-Falls, Minnesota)
- America (Bellevue, Washington)
- America (Olympia, Washington)
- America (Burien, Washington)
- America (Marysville, Washington)
- America (Lynnwood, Washington)
- America (Bellingham, Washington
- Malysia
- Thailand
- Japan (Tokyo)
- Venezuela
- Austria (Vienna)
- Ukraine (Odessa)
- Australia (Sale, Victoria)
- America (Vermillion, South Dakota)
- America (Sioux Falls, South Dakota)
- America (Las Vegas, Nevada)
- America (San Francisco, California)
- America (Houston, Texas)
- America (Dallas, Texas)
- America (Holton, Kansas)
- America (Topeka, Kansas)
- America (Rapid-City, South Dakota)
- America (Los Angeles, California)
Current-Location : Hot Springs, South Dakota
Languages Spoken :
- English (Native; Dialects: American, Canadian, British, Australian, Singaporean)
- français (French; advanced)
- Русский (Russian; intermediate)
- 日本語 (Japanese; intermediate)
- Deutsch (German; beginner)
- Espagñol (Spanish; beginner)
- 普通话/华裔 (Mandarin-Chinese; beginner-basic)
- Ελληνικα (Greek; alphabet)
- Able to recognise most languages when heard spoken or seen written
Occupation/Career :
- Semi-Retired
- Martial-Arts Instructor (Eight-Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu & Shyun-Style Tai Chi Chuan)
- Computer-Repair & Upgrade Technician
- Spiritual-Counsellor
- Amateur Remote-Viewer
- Web-Site Designer
- Gourmet-Chef
- Construction-Assistant
Skills :
- Animé-Style Art/Drawing (intend to go professional in future)
- Computer-Coding & Programming/Scripting
- Martial Arts (Eight-Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu & Shyun-Style Tai Chi Chuan)
- Logical-Reasoning
- Inductive-Reasoning
- Deductive-Reasoning
- Abductive-Reasoning
- Analogical-Reasoning
- Causal-Reasoning
- Moral-Reasoning
- Pragmatic-Reasoning
- Bayesian-Reasoning
- Non-Dogmatism
- Developing of E-Q (Emotional-Intelligence)
- Article-Writing
- Web-Page Coding
- Automation-Scripting
Titles :
- Certified Martial-Arts Instructor (Eight-Step Preying Mantis Kung Fu & Shyun-Style Tai-Chi Chuan
- Sifu
- Teacher
- Sage
- Voluntary Successor to the Messiah's Legacy
- Voluntary Successor to the Imam Al-Mahdi's Legacy
- Geek
- Nerd
- Genius
- Super-Genius
- Pacifist
- Absolute-Pacifist
- Researcher
- Expert-Gamer
Hobbies/Interests :
- Para-Psychology
- Foreign-Languages
- Quantum-Physics
- Quantum-Mechanics
- Ufology
- Remote-Viewing
- Animé
- Article-Writing
- Video-Games
- Hentai (Note : If you don't know what this is, I hesitate to tell you, for similar reasons as to why parents hesitate to tell their children where babies come from...)
- Meditation
- Long-Meditation
Note : Regarding references to The returned (re-incarnated) Messiah (Al-Imam Al-Mahdi to Muslims), I am the one authorised by God/Allah to carry out the works that had been started by Terence de Malahèrre (formerly known as Yeshua ben Yosef or more-famously as Jesus during his previous-life incarnation) from where he had left off. I am able to bring clarity & corrections & the full-context behind all of the distorted & corrupted & muddied religious-teachings which have been leading man astray & making all walk the wrong way. You may be asking what is the evidence that Terence de Malahèrre was indeed the returned Spirit-of-Truth who once inhabited the flesh of his previous-life «Avatar» known as Jesus (Yeshua ben Yosef) ? Let us start with a few facts and even bible-references that are as follows...:
- Jesus was very out-spoken against both the «religious-authorities» and the «government-authorities» of the day (that means you, Fundamentalists & Evangelicals, both Muslim & Christian)
- The «theme» of Jesus' ministries revolved completely and entirely around telling people to «stop sinning» and «go and sin no more» and «turn away from your sins» and basically warning people to withdraw all of their support from being complicit to any form of iniquity
- Jesus himself was recorded to have said : «Be Perfect as your Father in Heaven»
- Jesus was known to be very verbose (see John 21:25)
- Jesus was «arrested» by the «authorities» (users of force)
- Jesus did not have a particularly spectacularly high-ranking social-status (whether he was actually born in a manger is up for debate; such places were known to be places where prostitutes often had to birth children)
- Jesus warned that the path to freedom was straight-and-narrow whilst the road to destruction (hell) was wide that everyone walked
The Testament of Truth Book
More will be added herein as time permits and as God-inspired.